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Tablet | Risør Kunstpark

When I got the news that I was selected for the "Tegning og tekst" project, including a residency at Nordic artist centre Dale, I was extra happy because I knew I could focus for three months on my Tablet series, and even if I couldn't exhibit all of the produced works in the following group exhibition at Tegnerforbundet, I would be able to do so in my exhibition at Risør Kunstpark later the same summer. I knew from the floor plan that the gallery was big, with three rooms. When I had my show earlier at Kragerø Kunstforening we made an excursion to Risør to inspect the gallery and the town. It was even better than I could imagine! Almost like an art museum. This was going to be my biggest solo presentation to this date.

The gallery is run by a group of dedicated artists in an old school building, where they now have studios, two galleries and an excellent cafe. They offered me a small but very comfortable apartment during the installing and opening. Risør is very picturesque and I had a lovely time working there.

Here are some pictures from my apartment and my stay at beautiful Risør.

Here are some pics from working in the gallery.


I had a very pleasant opening, with a good and interested crowd considering I was not local and this was off season and during the corona pandemic.


I was very happy I could do a new implementation of my participatory art project TABLES. This version was called TABLES Tag. The visitors were assigned to do tags, signs or signatures in the wet filler with a wooden stick. I think it connected nicely to the Tablet concept.

Read more about the finished work #294 Turned Table - Tag.


I also did an installation - Words Will Never Hurt Me, on the floor which I later turned into paintings. It was made from stones and sticks I found outside the gallery.


Here is documentation from the exhibition. Read more about the tablet series here.

Here is a videopresentation of the exhibition.


I produced a small publication - "Lexicon" - for the Tablet project with my sketches and thoughts around the works. It is for sale here.


There were a few articles in the local papers and online, here you can read from Austagder Blad and iRisør.

Here is the press release.



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