Sold and unavailable works.
These are the ones you let slip.
#447 Passports
#467 Quiet Quitting
#501 From The River To The Sea
#420 Swedish Conditions - Navestad
#459 Sciopero Bianco
#233 Paper Cups - Lebanon
#168 Lateral Inversion
#443 99 Paper Cups
#444 99 Paper Cups
#445 99 Paper Cups
Sinecure 5
#321 Res Ipsa
#319 Labour
#318 Labour
#344 Iceberg
#368-75 Murmuration
#392 End Of Conversation
#70 Passepartout Passport (4)
#76 Passepartout Passport (10)
#332-35 Meander Pace
Sinecure 3
#292 Avatar
#234 Paper Cups - Broken Mandala
#156 Crush The State In EHCR
#305 Application Form (Agitated Version)
#325 Mainstream Maelstrom
#113 Spread
#163 Dotted Line
#164 Dotted Line
#114 Always Already
#47 Spread
#48 Spread
#102 Twelve Stars
#238 Shadow Government
#290 Avatar
#289 Avatar
#235 Paper Cups - Broken Mandala
#37 Lets Play Dressup With Kylies Clothess
#39 Lets Play Dressup With Kylies Clothess
#64 Passepartout
#49 Snake
#45 Corners - Inverted
#44 Corners - Cut
#43 Corners - Rounded
#144 Entitled
#119 Entitled
#120 Entitled
#127 Entitled