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Sabotage | Fossekleiva Kultursenter

In 2024, I created a summer exhibition titled Sabotage for the Fossekleiva Culture Centre. It opened June 15 and lasted until August 11. It was preceded by a month-long residency (see prior post), during which I produced two major works. The exhibition took place in their main theatre hall. Upstairs were two other exhibitions: Daina Deksne-Gundersen: Søstre and Prane/Krumina/Krutovs: Ved din side. They are textile artists. Daina is a Latvian artist living in Norway, and she invited three prominent Latvian artists to do a group exhibition in the space above the theatre.

The centre made excellent marketing material.

Here are some photos of the installation. The curators, Iain Halket and Franzisca Aarflot wanted me to exhibit my monumental Bilderberg series as a backdrop to the stage area. Iain was very helpful and installed the whole piece, which was lit by light professionals to make it appear as if it were floating in the air.

There was a festive opening with speeches from the stage by Franzisca, myself, Daina, and the Latvian ambassador. A Latvian choir entertained, and there was an impressive buffet with fresh strawberries from the neighbouring farm, chocolate, and sparkling drinks. I had some friends who came from Oslo. Photos by me and Henning Photo.

Flowers for me, Daina, Ieva Krumina and Rolands Krutovs. Ieva Prane could not attend the opening.

After the opening, we found an authentic Thai restaurant in Svelvik that served excellent food! I wish I had known sooner it existed.

Here is the documentation. I'm happy with how it turned out, though the works were lit by spotlights in the dark room. The moveable walls were solid and worked fine, even if I usually prefer to hang on proper walls. They made an exciting exhibition design in the old and beautiful room. See links to the works below.

There was a video of me presenting the project in the gallery space made by Elin Terese Osjord.
