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Year Review 2021

Another pandemic year. All the exhibitions I had planned were cancelled or postponed. So I spent a lot of time in my studio. It was a productive year. And in lack of an audience, I started to broadcast live studio releases of new works. Even if there weren't too many people watching it had a nerve and edge to it for me, and to an extent, it filled the gap of not exhibiting.

My first Studio Release was broadcasted in November 2020.

The latest one is from June 2021. See the rest of them on my Youtube channel. After that, I focused on working toward exhibitions in 2022.


Oslo Open was made into an online event this year, and I did a live performance titled Open where I produced the work #336 Enterprise. You can see a short video clip here.


But in June I was invited to the opening of an exhibition at Bomuldsfabrikken in Arendal showing works from the REV Ocean art collection. They had purchased my work #114 Always Already from Høstutstillingen at Kunstnerens Hus in 2018. The exhibition was titled As Far as my Eyes can Sea and it was an impressive show with a lot of interesting art.

Photo: Vegard Kleven


And in August I went for a month's residency at KH Messen in Ålvik. It is located in Hardanger on the west coast of Norway. Here I focused on producing two large works for my exhibition at Buer Gallery in January 2022.


In September I rented Prosjektrom Helium in Fredrikstad to do documentation of my large works.


The year ended with a group exhibition at Buer Gallery called Who is the artist. I showed three small works.


Here are some images from different production events in my studio and at KH Messen.


These works were produced in 2021. 45 individual works. Many of them are multi-panelled.


I also made some smaller works in a separate group from my usual numbered oeuvre. I call them Sinecure.