I was invited by LNM (association of painters in Norway) to make an exhibition in their gallery, which made me very proud. I was able to work in depth with the concept of reducing digital images to stripes or monochromes. I chose to work with a series of black and white iconic images and called the series Famous Photographs.
I also did a animated video for the show. It was based on the same technique. I took one pixel row at the time and extended them along the whole image field. Then I animated them together making a kind of scanning of the image. A few years after I found out artist Cory Archangel was also doing this at the same time.
Some time after the show a was approached by a man representing Mark&Moore Galleries in Oslo. They wanted to buy all the works in the exhibition and some more from my storage. I was very happy. But they wanted to pay in installments afterwards. Naive as I was I agreed. I never saw any money even after several reminders and the use of a debt collection agency. Finally the gallery went bankrupt. It was a blow. I was already not feeling well due to my divorce the prior year, so I never had the strength to try and retrieve my works. I was told by NBK lawyer that I had no claim to them anyway. So now they are lost. I never found out what happened to them, if they were sold or destroyed...