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Art academy in Trondheim | Fourth year

In the summer and during the year I worked for Dataskilt, a small sign business and had access to adhesive vinyl and coated aluminum for good prices. So for a while I started producing paintings based on digital files instead. I have no documentaion of these works, but this is scanned printouts. The actual work was very similar. All of these works had a length of about 2 m.


For a while I thought I was going to focus on using vinyl on metal plates, so a friend of my parents sent me some stainless steel plates from SKF. I did this work, but after that I went back to painting on wood.


I produced much less the last year. Only a few works.


Tine ended the relationship with me when she graduated and left for Oslo. I rented a room in the basement of Fabiola Charry's house and felt very lonely the whole summer in Trondheim. But in the fall semester I met K, who started her first year at the academy. We quickly became a couple.

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