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Paintings Volume 3

Paintings Volume 3

288 pages | Size: US Letter (8.5" x 11" / 216 x 279 mm) | Color Premium | Paper Type: 80g Coated White | Binding Type: Perfect Bound (Softcover) | Cover Finish: Glosse

  • Preface

    The works in this book were produced between 2020 and 2023, a period characterised by high activity both in the studio and with exhibitions. I started collaborating with Buer Gallery in Oslo and had my first solo exhibition there. A significant milestone for me.

    Several new extensive series emerged, such as Speaking Stones, 99, Real Thing and the overlapping Sabotage and Pace. Still, I also continue on previous ones, such as Tablet and with participatory art in Tables.

    In 2022, I was invited to participate in an international art residency in Istanbul organised by Blue Rhino Art Consultancy.
    It was a terrific experience that affected me greatly on personaly and as an artist.

    Please feel free to read the notes I made on many of the works in this book, but bare in mind they are complimentary and not crucial for appreciating them. Texts describing my compilations and series can be found at the back of the book.
