#152 Always Fight For A Freer World Never Hesitate
43x63cm | Filler, oak frame
Every work in the series PLEDGES has a title in the form of a promise completing the sentence ”I pledge to...”. Voluntary participants make the pledges except for the first one, which the artist did.
The promises are sealed by a line drawn in the wet filler.
Pledges are about the difference between words and actions. To give your word and stand by it changes reality. Faith in a promise depends on the context in which it is given. Which institutions sanction it? A marriage. A testimony. A contract.
Can art give power to a promise? Can you believe in a pledge sealed in a work of art?Note
See images from the first session of PLEDGES made during "Wintersolstice 2018 Poems to Orpheus", an art event at Museum of Technology in Oslo, here.
You can participate. Make a promise. Seal it.
Let it forever be a part of PLEDGES.The first 20 participants will get a free PLEDGES poster.
Contact me to arrange a meeting at my studio.
Res Ipsa
Res Ipsa is an compilation of works made by some kind of action shaping the filler once it is prepared inside the frame. The works thus function as a recording device and give a statement of the event taking place while the filler was still wet.
Res Ipsa is Latin for "the thing itself" and is part of the juridical term "Res ipsa loquitur" (the thing speaks for itself), used when an injury or accident in itself clearly shows who is responsible, such as an instrument left inside a body after surgery.