When I had the opportunity to exhibit at Lørenskog Kunstforening in their fine gallery space at Lørenskog House of Culture, I thought I would be perfect for presenting the whole Equal In The End series. It was produced during the different SIT DOWN For Equality event during 2019. It was 51 works with ass imprints, including my own. Something of an achievement if I may say it myself. I also could exhibit the five works in the TABLES suite together for the first time. These pieces were the centre of the exhibition. Still, I also showed the whole Papercups series (except for one of the Paper Cups Mandala works which I sold after the Fluke exhibition in Malmö) so far including the TABLES version from the Winter Solstice art event. I also got the chance to show the previously unexhibited #220 Squat Over Mirror from the Precari series and one of the End Of Conversation/Basta Ya!-works.
Some pictures from installing and the opening. I didn´t get the chance to take so many pictures, sadly.
I decided to try out a new project at this opening. It was a work called Passage, where I placed three frames with filler on the floor and asked the visitors to walk over them. I had plastic over the filler to protect their shoes. The audience was a little bit hesitating in the beginning, but I managed to have most of them to participate with some help from the people at the Lørenskog Kunstforening. It took me a long time to finish the works because I went on a three months residency shortly after, but when I finally did, I think the project turned out fine. I saw an exhibition with Atsuko Tanaka from the Gutai group at Moderna Museet last year, and I have been looking at a lot of Kazuo Shiraga works on Instagram after that. I am very intrigued by their work and wanted to use some of their element in my own. Especially their focus on the performative aspect of painting and the importance of matter caught my attention. I plan to start a new series of work called Platform that hopefully will capture something of this (and more).
Here is images of the actual event.
This is what they looked like after they had dried.

This is the finished works. Read more about them here.